Numerical simulation modelling of D-region ionosphere and effects of solar energetic events thereon. Analysis of VLF signal for the same.
I am an INSPIRE-SRF perusing Ph.D. in Physics (Theoretical) under the supervision of Dr. Tamal Basak. I am a Gold Medalist from Amity University Kolkata (AUK) in M.Sc. (Applied Physics).
1. S. Chakraborty, S. Palit, S. Deb and T. Basak. 'Modeling of the long-term variability of D-region ionospheric electron density due to solar cycle 24'. Journal of Geophysical Research : Space Physics (Under review)
2. S. Chakraborty, R. Paul, and T. Basak. 'On the altitude profile of lower ionospheric
d-region response time delay during solar flares'. Frontiers in Environmental Science
10:1020137, page 2403, 2022. Click
3. S. Chakraborty and T. Basak . 'Brief Review on the Lower Ionosphere and the Effects of
Solar Flare Thereon', Advances in Modern and Applied Sciences: A collection of research
reviews on contemporary research (Volume 1), Chapter 2: Atmospheric and Space Sciences,
pp. 137-145 (Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., ISBN 978-1-64997-437-2). 2022
4. S. Chakraborty, K. Aryan, T. Roy, S. K. Midya and T. Basak. 'Quantitative analysis of
lower ionospheric response time delay associated to the solar flares'. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica (Springer) , 1-13, 2022. Click
5. S. Chakraborty and T. Basak. 'Numerical analysis of electron density and response
time delay during solar flares in mid-latitudinal lower ionosphere', Astrophysics and Space
Science (Springer), volume 365, Article number: 184 (2020),Click